水戰?水戰? 讀這文章之前先說有些美國餐廳不供應杯水, 只供應罐裝的水, 現在這些餐廳卻回過頭來, 只供杯水(自來水, 美國自來水是可以生飲) 因為住商房屋灌裝水會造成環境污染, 還有消耗能源來製造, 運送,最後還要處理 塑膠罐子, 都不環保. 現在紐約市, 佛羅里達州, 麻州有些餐廳只供 自來水不賣灌裝酒肉朋友水. 美國市長們也建議所有的 餐廳停止賣灌裝水只供自來水. ( 7月10日新聞才報導澳洲某小鎮禁止賣灌裝水! 4. The war on bottled waterIn 有巢氏房屋1992's The Player, Tim Robbins' character, the consummate Hollywood insider, showed his sophistication at restaurants through 房屋二胎his ability to differentiate among various kinds of bottled water. But today, that same Hollywood macher would never ask for anything 宜蘭民宿but tap. Because of the environmental costs of producing and shipping bottled waters, more and more chefs are offering only filtered 酒店打工tap water to customers. Mario Batali and his business partner Joseph Bastianich stopped selling bottled water at their New York City 褐藻醣膠restaurants Del Posto and Otto earlier this year, and eateries in Florida and Massachusetts are also serving only tap. The U.S. 機車借款Conference of Mayors voted in June to recommend that City Halls stop serving bottled water even at special functions. Once hip, bottled 借貸water is now unforgivably '90s.,30583,1855948_1864255_1864271,00.html 台灣還賣屋在為油有沒有砷吵了一週??????

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